The Accounting For You podcast provides relevant tax and accounting information to help you and your business succeed. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast on these podcast platforms or check back here for our latest episodes.
Accounting for You Podcast:
My Business is Short on Cash! Cash Projection & Planning
In this episode, Chris and Jay discuss how good cash management and projection can help your business succeed in the New Year. Have you, as a business owner, ever been short when payroll is due? [...]
Accounting For You Podcast:
Buy Something Before Year-End to Save on Taxes?
In this episode, Jay and Chris discuss some common misconceptions about buying things at year end, only to save tax dollars. A lot of the time, it's a great way to GO BROKE! Don't fall [...]
Accounting For You Podcast:
5 Last Minute Tax Tips at Year End
Welcome to the first episode of Accounting For You Podcast! In this episode, Chris and Jay discuss some last-minute tax tips to help save you money before year end. Please contact our office with any [...]